Friday, October 22, 2010

Break Free hits the schools through FCA

Through God's amazing soverignty Break Free is still preaching the gospel at PUBLIC high schools through Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). California is such a liberal state and we all know you cannot even pray in public schools let alone have Christ preached, but The Lord still has his hand on keeping the door open for us to share Christ crucified. This past Wed. I was not physically feeling good and was supposed to dance/share at Foothill Highschool. I really wasn't sure if I could dance and my voice was not sounding good because of my cold. But Mike Swalley (BISHOP) sent me a prayer text that the Lord would work powerfully through my weakness. And man, did the Lord ever! A different micael, helped me dance at the school. There were over 500 high schoolers in the gym!! We danced and the crowd kept getting bigger. I started to preach,and the crowd kept growing. I have never had spoken to that many students in a public school. Praise Jesus! It was a like a mini crusade, by Gods grace. Thanks to FCA, they provided free pizza for the kids and did a fantastic job getting the word out. So I preached about Gods greatest gift given to humanity, Jesus Christ. I shared the gospel and gave the invite. About 7 kids stood to their feet in the midst of all their peers to proclaim Jesus as Lord. They understood "...the gift of God is eternal life, in Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23" I was so pumped, how many seeds were planted and the souls that were saved. Please continue to pray for me and FCA, as we preach Christ over the next couple months in the public schools.

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