Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Break Free and Hook furthering the Kingdom- Hungtington,CA

Break Free has occasionally worked alongside the Hook drama ministry from Calvary Chapel East Anaheim. But now, Break Free has planned to be more consistent in working together with Hook. The ministry is called "hook" because they use gospel centered drama's to lure a crowd in the same way we use break dancing to draw a crowd. This past saturday was an awesome work of Gods spirit through His people! We were located on the front of the pier which where most of the public walks by. So we started off with some praise and worship music, breakn, and then the gospel dramas. The Lord brought many people to come and see the dramas which opened up many doors for one to one witnessing! The seeds of Gods Truth were scattered all over different hearts throughout the night. Then, bboy don from 'In Rthym with Him' hip hop ministry , joined us up later and break danced with us. Saint-E, Liz, Ryan all helped out with breakn to draw a crowd. Towards the end of the night, we had a great crowd and I(Josh) had the priviledge to open air preach and talked about God's free gift of salvation. By Gods grace, about 6 people recieved Christ! It was awesome. No matter where we go, the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe (Romans 1:16)

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