Thursday, February 25, 2010

Break Free Connects with In Rhythm with Him! Santa Ana, CA

Break Free hit up the streets of downtown Santa Ana for their monthly art walk on February 6th.. Bboy Don with In Rhythm with Him Ministry hooked us up and we came along side to help fufill the great commission. Bboy Don is a great man of God who has a heart for lost people in the Hip Hop culture. He has been bboying since 1983 I believe (Before I was born!) and he can still throw down moves better than most of us! Downtown Santa Ana puts on a art walk the first saturday of every month and we use hip hop as a way to reach the culture where there at without compromising the gospel of Jesus Christ! The night went great praise God. It was raining all day but the Lord parted the clouds for part of the night while we were there. There were many bboys and the crowds grew large to see what all the hype was. Vincente (Saint-E), Liz, and myself(Beebop) were breakn for Christ. Liz really got the crowd going when she nailed here freeze! Bboy Don and myself (Josh) did most of the open air preaching and hook ministry of Calvary Chapel east anaheim did a drama which opened up the door to share Christ! We were preaching the Word in and out of season by Gods grace! I really loved to see the Unity among believers of different Christian churches. Many people heard about Jesus and as the night went on the rain started to pour. But that didn't quench Don's passion to proclaim Jesus through dance and hip hop. Another brother also did some spoken Word which was really talented. I was blessed to be a part of the night. If you want to check us out come to the next art walk. Its the first saturday of every month in down town Santa Ana!


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